Saturday, July 22, 2006



「阿利!」 他後面的一個女孩大叫道,甩動著她銀色的頭髮。哈利記得她,那個他在十四歲時救過的女孩-佳兒。她看起來長大了許多,身上金色的服裝襯托她那頭銀色的頭髮,讓她看起來比平常更加美麗。「不要愣在那裡,一起來玩嘛!」
婚禮帶來的愉快趕走了佛地魔帶來了恐懼和悲哀, 哈利想知道它能持續多久。 來自佛地魔的恐懼不久將再次來臨。不過鄧不利多是對的,愛真是一種完美的感覺。

「我的意思是-等等﹗」 哈利走出前門。「衛斯理先生, 我要你買的東西你買了嗎?」
「噢﹗已經買了,就在紅箱子裡。 」 衛斯理先生指著前門。
「謝謝 」 哈利把它拿進去並且打開包裹,一支閃閃發亮的掃帚躺在裡面。在它上部,金色的字『水瓶號』被刻在上頭。榮恩和妙麗都露出微笑,好像他們知道它被買進來的目的。
「初學者最佳的選擇。 」榮恩說,露出牙齒大聲的笑。
「我說過了,這是初學者最佳的選擇! 其實, 如果有必要我們可以用現影術。哈利,你為什麼要買它呢?」榮恩說,一邊興奮的檢查著掃帚。
「好,大家一起去﹗」 哈利笑了起來。
「要去飛嗎?」金妮問。「我能也參加嗎? 」
弗雷說 「除了可憐的榮恩,爸爸為我們所有人各買一支掃帚,他上次不應該先買的。」
金妮低聲地說「真是個美好的約會。」兩人便同時衝上了天空,哈利微笑著並且躲過一個催狂魔,加速衝到其他人身旁。溼冷的空氣往他身上陣陣吹來。他有過多次在寒冷空中飛行的經驗,但是從來沒有一次比這次冷,那是一種令人凍僵的冷,甚至比被追趕的那次還冷。哈利想知道他是否將要再次摔倒。他希望他已經17 歲。他衝進榮恩和妙麗後面的空中,冰冷的雪落在他的身上。妙麗的護法-那隻發亮的水獺在催狂魔和催狂魔之間飛來飛去,並且以用高速去追趕催狂魔們。榮恩的巨大護法老鼠在催狂魔的頭上跳來跳去,設法把催狂魔們押到低空。他激動的開始對他的護法發出鳳凰令。
「壓那個﹗那個﹗你這白痴老鼠﹗」榮恩對他的護法大叫。「打死那傢伙!對!就是他!壓-小心呀﹗妙麗!」妙麗現在只剩她的右手還在的她的掃帚上。哈利迅速的飛過去幫助她。哈利在幫助妙麗重新騎上掃帚後,四隻催狂魔包圍住金妮。「疾疾、護法現身! 」妙麗和榮恩幾乎在相同的時間大聲叫道。哈利拔出他的魔杖指向剩下的催狂魔。
「疾疾、護法現身! 」兩個不同的聲音同時大聲喊道,哈利轉頭看著他們,發現他們都穿著中國火球龍皮長袍,掃帚的前端也都刻了金光閃閃的三個字-火閃電。弗雷和喬治都對著他微微一笑,並且說:「哈利! 你差一點就犯法了﹗」

「我們可以花時間找到一些或許知道佛地魔的弱點的人,就像卡卡夫,試試看會不會知道有關分-」 哈利給她一個敏銳的眼神,妙麗立刻中斷句子繼續說道 「如果哈利在他的生日之前去他姨丈的房子,鄧不利多的保護令將不會在他成年之前消失,他的處境將不會很危險。」妙麗回答。
「交通呢? 哈利不是不能現影嗎?」喬治問。
「那你呢? 你又不能飛得非常好。」喬治立刻反擊。
榮恩沒理他 「練習帶來成功,而且- 」
「榮恩,我可以和你講話嗎?」 金妮忽然插嘴道,榮恩跟隨著她上樓。
「所以我們真的需要訓練她,不是嗎?」 弗雷仍然討論著計畫。

燻雞、烤豬等美味的食物和衛斯理太太特製的高湯不久就填滿了他們的胃。魔法部的人一個接著一個來看衛斯理先生和衛斯理太太,並且祝賀比爾和花兒。 衛斯理太太看起來正在等派西,但是她甚至沒看見他的一封信。她看起來很不舒服的坐了下來,金妮努力地安慰她。
「噢﹗她教我不要再介入有關她的事。」榮恩說「還有我們怎樣能找到卡卡夫,妙麗? 」
「哈利! 有訪客!」衛斯理太太大聲嚷道。哈利懷疑是不是昆爵,他不是應該早就已經放棄了嗎?哈利走向門口,榮恩和妙麗穿過那群人並跟隨他。哈利看到昆爵和派西正在和衛斯理先生和衛斯理太太交談後,他匆忙離開,這時哈利看到門前站著一位老婦人和-
「奈威? 」榮恩說,似乎不能相信他所看見的。
「嗨!哈利! 因為霍格華茲被關閉了,我沒什麼事可以做,所以我的祖母想要我來加入你。」奈威說。「我已經被被路平訓練了好幾天,他說我表現的還不錯。 」
「危險? 我的孫子才不會害怕什麼危險!為了打敗佛地魔而犧牲自己,他將會感到驕傲,他才不會害怕呢!」奈威的祖母自豪的說。
「參加鳳凰會怎麼樣? 」榮恩建議。
「沒有鄧不利多的鳳凰會,只是一個廢物! 」奈威的祖母似乎不喜歡他的建議。

「小心 哈利! 小心,榮恩! 衛斯理太太對他們說。
衛斯理太太、路平、東施、弗雷、喬治和金妮對著他們微笑。 「再見﹗」哈利說。哈利、榮恩和妙麗騎上掃帚,他們在大家的希望中出發。所有的人在他們的眼睛裡變得越來越小, 哈利返回到天空,看清楚方位,向上加速飛到空中。

Chapter two


Winds blew into Harry’s face. Harry looked down. The streetlights were twinkling under him. Car lamps were racing one after one. People were crossing the road. Suddenly, a cloud covered his sight. He raised his head and saw the big moon there, high up in the sky. Lights cast on their brooms. Harry made a gesture to signify them to fly lower. Three broomsticks rushed low and prepared to land. Thick clouds made their cloaks wet. Wind blowing on them. They all felt pleased to know that they are going to land. Their hands were already frozen. About five minutes later, they saw the Privet Drive. They landed on the road without making a sound. Ron and Hermione appeared in the air and helped Harry to Undisillusion. Slowly, they walked to the yard of- Number four, Privet Drive.
Harry knocked the door. He heard a loud voice answered him, he knew it is from his uncle. He knocked it again. However, this time, no one answered him. Ron moved forward and pointed his wand at the doorknob. Hermione looked at the roof. Harry knew what is her looking for. He saw the fear in others eyes. Hermione walked slowly to the window. Just than, a loud voice rushed into their ears.
‘YOU RUDDY POLICE! Dudley only knocked someone down! He was just playing with them. You can’t-’ he stopped, looking at Harry. ‘Oh, Its you. We don’t welcome you. GO!’
‘We will only stay here for a night and we will go, and you have promised us last year. You won’t want us to-’
‘FINE! COME IN!’ shouted Uncle Vernon. Looking at Ron’s wand anxiety.
Harry walk into the front door with Ron and Hermione. Harry led them to the room he used to sleep. He didn’t see Dudley and Aunt Petunia. He knew that they had already slept. He closed the door and looked at his friends. They were looking for a fireplace. Harry soon knew what they need so he handed out a bag of butterbeers.
‘Brilliant, Harry. I am just wondering if Fred and George gave you that.’ said Ron. Each of them took a bottle of butterbeers. ‘Cheers!’ they said together, and drank a big gulp of it.
The snow kept falling outside of the window. The things outside were all obscure. Everything looked nice if it is winter, but it was certainly not. Harry looked out of the window and sighed, hoping he can get rid of it. For him, for his friends, for the wizard world, and for the whole world. Harry was lost in his thinking. He did not even notice Ron’s queen threw his castle out of the chessboard.
‘Checkmate! Harry! You lose!’ roared Ron. Hermione glared at him. His cheering seemed to have interrupted her writing. Ron stopped cheering immediately and looked at her suspiciously.
‘Who are you writing to, your parents? Aren’t they worried about you?’ asked Ron. ‘Or to the people who can help us find Karkaroff?’
‘The person who can help us find Karkaroff.’ answered Hermione. ‘By the way, my parents won’t be worried about me. They hope we can save the wizard world. Just like your parents.’
‘But who are-’
‘Harry, Can I borrow Hedwig?’ asked Hermione, waving the letter in her hand. She ignored Ron’s staring. Her face is turning red. Harry knew why. He wondered why Ron didn’t know it.
‘Fine.’ answered Harry. Setting a new round of wizard chess. He saw Hermione Apparited out of the house. Harry wondered if she could succeed of Appariting to the Burrow. Five minutes later, after Ron’s knight murdered Harry’s pawn, Hermione Apparited back on the carpet.
‘Hedwig is really clever, Harry. She came into the Diagon Alley in the place just on time!’ said Hermione happily; the red spots were still on her face.
‘Thanks, Hermione.’ smiled Harry, trying to kill Ron’s castle by a knight. Ron laughed and moved his castle away and away. Harry knew his castle is free to check now; Ron’s castle were away from there. He moved his castle slowly to the place.
A loud bang came into Harry’s ears. Harry looked at where it came from. Hermione was looking in Harry’s bag. A special bomb cracker was in her hand. Her clothes and hair was all burnt. Ron laughed loudly. Hermione glared at him and waved her wand. Her clothes and hair changed back. Just after that, another loud voice ran into their ear again.
‘HARRY POTTER! HOW DARE YOU WAKE US UP! IF YOU MAKE ANOTHER SOUND, I’LL KICK YOU OUT OF THE HOUSE!’ shouted Uncle Vernon. His loud voice vibrated back and forth in their ears.
‘They are crazy, aren’t they? It is only nine-thirty!’ Ron whispered to them. However, Hermione still looked sad. She waved her wand and a sleeping bag appeared on the floor. Ron stared at her surprisingly.
‘Hermione, you don’t have to do that.’ said Ron, but still staring at her as though she was crazy. ‘It is too early, Hermione. You don’t have to-’
‘We all have to, Ron. We’ll have a long trip tomorrow.’ said Hermione. She waved a circle with her wand. Another sleeping bag appeared in the middle of the room. ‘Here is your sleeping bag. You had better sleep too. And Harry, you can sleep on the bed.’
‘Wait until we finished this round.’ said Ron, moved his castle forward.
‘Good night, Hermione.’ said Harry and Ron at the same time.
‘Good night.’ answered Hermione. Harry opened the warmer for her
‘Thanks, Harry.’ said Hermione, and slid into her sleeping bag.
Ron’s knight killed Harry’s bishop. Harry found out that he is going to lose. Harry laughed and helped Ron to move his queen.
‘Checkmate!’ said Harry. They all laughed. Harry took off his glasses and get into bed. Harry thought everything is now wonderful with Ron and Hermione. Nevertheless, the adventure will start tomorrow. The dangerous would come. Harry didn’t want to break this wonderful moment, this wonderful night, but he knew he will.
‘Good night, mate.’ said Ron.
‘Good night.’

Early in the morning, sunlight illuminated into Privet Drive. The whole drive was still asleep. Only three people in Number four, Privet Drive woke up so early. They were sitting at the table. They looked like that they were waiting for something. They revealed out their worries in their expressions. The one in the middle of them, who looked rather like a pig in his stature, looked straight up to the stairs as though some thing horrible was going to happen. The other two stared at the clock on the wall, wondering when they will come down.
‘Murders were now highly concentrated in England. Over thousands of people were killed in the past week. The government said maybe the political opponents want revolt against them.’ said the newsreader in the television. ‘The political opponent-’
‘Idiot government.’ said Uncle Vernon, trying to make the family feel better. However, Dudley was still shaking, hiding his huge head under Aunt Petunia.
‘Three men in the Cenn village claimed they had seen giants on the road, breaking houses with big wood sticks. Some of them-’
‘Rubbish.’ snarled Uncle Vernon. ‘Always report this kind of news since last year. I would fire this kind of reporter if I’m the proprietor.’
‘Most savants think there is something wrong in the giants’ gene. They-’ uncle Vernon turned off the television. He looked at the stairs worriedly.
On the second floor of the house, three people were packing their stuffs. One of them waved his wand and his stuffs flew into his package one after one. Another girl copied him, and helped the last boy to pack.
‘Thanks, Hermione’ said Harry, walked down the stairs , taking a broomstick on his hand and his package on his back. The others followed him downstairs. A boy screamed downstairs. Harry smiled, walked downstairs and found out his Aunt and Uncle waiting for him.
‘You expect us to make breakfast for you, don’t you?’ asked Uncle Vernon.
‘No, we decide to eat outside.’ answered Harry and walked out of the door.
‘Good-bye Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and dear Dudley.’ None of them answered him .Except Dudley’s scream. Harry laughed loudly and walked out of the house with Ron and Hermione. Harry took a deep breath and was ready to begin.
‘Hermione, can we start now?’ asked Ron impatiently.
‘Fine.’ said Hermione. She waved her wand and Disillusion Harry. Ron Disillusion himself too. Hermione set off into the air. Harry and Ron raced up to her. Three broomsticks rushed into the bright blue sky. Nevertheless, no one saw it.
‘You really improved, Hermione.’ said Harry happily.
‘Hermione, where are we going to?’ asked Ron.
‘Oh, to the Leaky Cauldron. We need to meet someone.’ said Hermione.
‘Meet who?’ asked Ron.
Hermione ignored him and flew over him. Ron chased up to her angrily, Harry followed them, Wondering if he would really be there.
The snow was still dropping on them. Harry looked down, wished no one saw them. The places under them are all blurred. Harry couldn’t even see their destination. Harry flew lower to see it. They are almost there. Harry flew lower and lower. He was ready for landing. Ron and Hermione seemed to have seen his broomstick going down or it is because of their clothes were getting wetter and wetter. They flew lower too. Harry tried to make his freezing hands move. Therefore, he can make a landing signal. His hands struggled for a long time and finally got free for freezing. He made the signal and they all landed perfectly, except Hermione. She almost fell down. They Undisillusion themselves and walked into the Leaky Cauldron.
The tiny, grubby-looking pub’s businesses were getting worse and worse. Only about twenty-percents of tables weren’t empty. Tom, the barman, still sitting in the shabby chair, was turning his head up and down to find his customers. He finally saw them. He didn’t notice that the boy standing in front of him was Harry Potter, because they are wearing Fred and George’s mask. He just looked at their strange face.
‘May I help you, sir?’ asked Tom, but Hermione just waved her hand and walked to the walled courtyard and tap on the bricks with her wand. Tom looked disappointed and sat down again.
‘Hermione, you are going to Diagon Alley!’ asked Ron, looking confused about what she is doing. His guess was quite right. The bricks wriggled one after one to the side of the wall. The entrance to Diagon Alley soon appeared in Ron and Harry’s surprises.
The Diagon Alley looked just the same as Harry saw last year. Large Ministry posters were all around. Security advices and pictures of dangerous people were all on them. The alley was no longer crowded like the first time Harry came to here. And it was even worse than what Harry saw last year. Few shops opened with less guests; clerks looked at the door sadly. Dusts covered the ground, broken windows and doors lay in front of them. Some of the houses are broken too, made the street looks shabby and dirty.
Harry and Ron followed Hermione to the Flourish and Blotts. Several people were looking at some books there. Harry peeked of what they were looking at, and found out surprisingly they were all reading the book ‘Defense against the Dark’, full of worrying and with an praising sight in their faces. Hermione took the Advanced Transfiguration by Allen Chen on the right shelf. Ron looked at her in an amazed sight.
‘You still want to study after we left the school?’ asked Ron. ‘What happened to you?’
‘Actually, we really need to study about Defense against the Dark Arts.’ said Hermione. Ron still looked at her in a strange sight. She added ‘We are going to fight with Voldemort. He is the-’
‘That is Transfiguration, Hermione.’ said Ron.
‘I know, but-’
‘We will go to Fred and George’s shop. Go to there as soon as possible.’ said Harry, trying to stop them arguing. Hermione nodded. Harry walked out of the Flourish and Blotts with Ron.
‘She must have gone crazy. We have gotten free form them for a month and now she is putting them back to us. I will never want to study again.’ said Ron, mouth opening, looking like he still wanted to talk. Harry listened and listened, but heard nothing. He looked at Ron and looked at what was going on. Ron was looking at the shop next to them. Harry turned his head.
The crowd surprised Harry. The shop was full of people, rushing around for products, looking for something new. Kids were playing with dreaming machine out side and parents were counting coins in their wallet, sadden by the empty wallet.
‘Harry, come to here. We have something to show you’ yelled Fred ‘I know that it is you.’ Harry walked in with him, amazed by what he saw. Bottles and bottles of potions are all over the ground, and all kinds of little stuffs for travelers were in bags and bags. Fred packed a bag for him.
‘Harry, take this, you might need these.’ said Fred, pushing them into Harry’s hands. Harry really didn’t want to take it, but Fred put them into Harry’s pocket. It grew smaller and smaller until Harry couldn’t even feel it.
‘We decreased them in this bag. Once you took the things out, they will magnify themselves.’ explained Fred. Harry sighed and took it.
‘Thanks, Fred.’ said Harry.
‘No problem, Harry.’ said Fred.
Harry waved good-bye to Fred and George who was in the counter. They all waved back with a smile. Harry went out of the store and found out Hermione was waiting with Ron there, and they walked back to the Leaky Cauldron cheerfully.
Hermione was turning her head up and down, looking for someone while Ron was contented by drinking his Fire whisky. Harry wanted to help her.
‘What does Kr- I mean, the man or the woman looks like? What is he or she wearing?’ asked Harry, looking at Ron to see if he noticed what he had said.
‘He will wear a black cloak and red hat. I told him to wear like this. It will be easier to know that it is him by wearing strangely.’ said Hermione, still looking from tables to tables.
‘Hermione, he is at the door.’ said Harry, discovered him at once Hermione said that. Hermione walked to there and called him to their table. Harry couldn’t see his face. The two things that can help Harry to know that it is he were the strange wearing and a tip of broomstick out of his backpack. Harry tipped Hermione a wink and took out a bottle of Veritaserum to her.
Hermione said to him carefully ‘Victor, we need to-’
‘Victor?’ asked Ron suspiciously, seemed to not believe what he heard.
‘Yes, he is Victor Krum. But maybe not.’ said Hermione. ‘We needed to test you by Veritaserum. Sorry.’ and she put three drops of it into his drink. Harry put out a bottle of unantidote potion immediately, and motion him to drink it.
‘Vell, fine, I will drink it.’ said Krum. He drank the bottle of potion and his beer with two gulps. He answered all the questions right, like who you are, what is your job and a lot more question. Harry gave him the antidote and walked out with him out of the Leaky Cauldron. Hermione followed him, refused to look at Ron. Ron looked angry but merely walked out with them.They finally set of from the ground and followed Krum for their flight. Harry wondered how long will they go. They seemed to have flown for a day. His body was freezing. He looked at his watch. It was only twelve o’clock.

Harry Potter and the spirit of the stag(Chapter one)

The last drop of summer seemed to be gone for months in the year. Snows kept falling on the street. Steams went all around the country. All the places became cold. The only happiness around came into the Burrow. In the big snow, everyone were looking at the couple happily. Only Harry stood behind the window, looking directly out of it, thinking about Dumbledore. Dumbledore will think it is a good thing to have love after he had left. Harry knew it. He must kill Snape for Dumbledore. He must kill Voldemort for the wizard world. That’s his mission, a mission nobody else can finish.
‘Aarry!’ shouted a girl’s voice behind him, waving her slivery hair. Harry remembered her, the girl he saved when he was fourteen-Gabrielle. The golden dress on her set off her hair, it made her looked even more beautiful. ‘Don’t stand there! Join us!’
Harry turned back and saw everybody talking excitedly. Ron was talking to his dad, who looked worried. Gabrielle was waving at him, smiling. Harry smiled back to her. Fred and George were making crackers to celebrate. Mrs.Weasley was dressing Fleur. The tiara on her made her beauty unbelievable. At last, he saw Lupin and Tonks repelling Dementors.
‘Call the Aurors! Our happiness is too delicious to Dementors!’ yelled Lupin. ‘Expecto Patronum!’
Harry smiled and pulled out his wand, and repelled one of them.
The bell on top of the Burrow, which Harry thought was made by Fred and George started ringing. The wedding finally began. Bill walked out of the front door with Fleur. The scar was still on his face. The crackers exploded and the flame brushed into the air. Everyone clapped for them. Everyone looked so happy. Except the Aurors, they looked angrily at the Dementors. Harry laughed. Moreover, so did everyone.
The happiness that was brought by the wedding covered the fear and the sadness from Voldemort. Harry wondered how long it could last. The fear from Voldemort will soon exist again.

‘Harry! It is already afternoon, you’ve stood there for an hour! We’ve been finding you!’ yelled Hermione.
‘We can go and have a ride if you want to. The others are still playing Fred and George’s new product.’ Ron suggested.
‘On a broom?’ said Harry, looked like he is thinking.
‘Of course! What are you thinking about?’ Ron was looking at Harry as though he was crazy.
‘I mean- Wait!’ Harry walked out of the front door. ‘Mr.Weasley, did you buy the thing I asked you to buy?
‘Oh! It is there. Just in the red box.’ Mr.Weasley pointed at the front door.
‘Thanks! Mr.Weasley!’ Harry took it out and opened the package. A broomstick was inside. The shinny and sleek broomstick with long tail of neat and straight twigs. On the top of it, the tiny golden word Bluebottle was written on it. Ron and Hermione smiled, as though they knew what it was for.
‘Best for beginners.’ Ron said, grinning.
Hermione ignored him ‘It was lovely, thanks! I haven’t even ridden a broomstick Expect the old school ones, but I don’t think-’
‘I told you. Best for beginners! Nevertheless, Harry, we can Apparite if necessary. Why did you buy that?’ said Ron, still checking the broom.
‘You can’t Apparite to some places!’ said Hermione Impatiently.
‘But you can still Apparite near it, can’t we?’ Ron still didn’t understand.
‘How near can you do?’ Hermione asked.
Ron finally understood. ‘Not very. So that is the reason?’
Harry was happy for him to understand, and said. ‘Yes! Now we can have a flight and fight with the Dementors. See if we can teach Hermione how to fly. Or maybe Ron can convey-’
‘I will try to fly myself’ Hermione interrupted, Red spots appear in her face.
‘All right. Let’s go!’ Harry said, laughing without making a sound.
Harry, Hermione and Ron walked out of the house. The snow piled higher and higher. The weather didn’t scare them. Just when Harry mounted on the broom, Ginny ran to them with her broomstick. Harry smiled and ran to her.
‘Going on a flight?’ Ginny asked. ‘Can I join too?’
‘Of course, What about Fred and George?’ Harry asked, wondering did Mr.Weasley buy her a new broom or not, but he soon got the answer.
‘We thought that you have forgotten us.’
Fred and George appeared at the back of him and Fred said ‘Dad bought all of us a new broom, except poor Ron, He shouldn’t ask for it last time.’
‘And by the way, our products sales so well at this time, we shouldn’t miss it; we will come and play later.’ George added.
They walked back to the Burrow in the snow as Harry and his friend mounted on their broom. Once they have set off Harry suddenly thought of on thing.
‘Wait! I forgot that I am still underage!’
‘It’s okay! Ginny and you can avoid the Dememtors, Even if you can’t. You can still use the Patronus spell if you need to, because we are in danger!’ Ron laughed. ‘Off we go Hermione! Expecto Patronum!’
Ginny whispered ‘What a lovely date’ and they flew up high into the air. Harry smiled and dodged one Dememtor as he raced up to them. The cold air rushed on him. He remembered how the feeling is to fly in the cold air, but none of them is as cold as this time, even colder than the time he was chased by a lot of Dememtors. Harry wondered if he is going to fell down again. He wished that he was already seventeen.
He rushed into the air behind Ron and Hermione, cold snows are felling on him. Hermione’s Patronus, which was a shining sliver otter was flying and flying between the Dememtors, chased after them in a high speed. Ron’s giant Patronus rat was bumping on the Dememtors head and pressed them. He was so excited and started to give orders to his Patronus.
‘Bump that one! That one! You idiot rat!’ Ron shouted at his Patronus. ‘Smash that one- Hermione, be careful!’ Hermione was on her broom with only one hand. Harry helped her on quickly. Just after Harry helped her, four Dememtors rushed into Ginny. Hermione and Ron shouted out ‘Expecto Patronum!’ at almost the same time. Harry pulled out his wand and pointed at rest the Dememtors.
‘Expecto Patronum!’ two different voices yelled out. Harry looked at them. Each of them wore a Chinese Fireball dragon skin robe. On the top of their broomstick, the word Firebolt was written on. Fred and George are smiling at him. ‘Harry! You have almost broken the law!’
Harry was surprised at what happened. He yelled back ‘I know, but I have to-’
‘Save your little girlfriend?’ said George ‘We have heard it from Ron. Is that true, Ginny?’
‘From Ron again?’ Ginny raised her eyebrows.
‘Its fine, Ginny. I don’t care about it.’ said Harry quickly.
‘Fine, lets continue the game, I will talk to him later.’ said Ginny, who still looked angry.
The big game with the Dememtors was really fun to them. They let their Patronus sit on their broom and rushed into the Dememtors. The Dememtors slid away as quick as they can. Just after that, other Patronus surrounded them and destroy them. They all liked the game. Just not the weather. The reason of why game ended so quickly is the weather too. The cold snow and raindrops fell on them. Only Fred and George’s dragon robe can resist them. The snow gets bigger and bigger. They had no other choices but to end the game.

Harry Ron, Hermione and Ginny gathered around the fireplace and play Fred and George’s new exploding pokers. It will explode in your hand if you lose before you can drop it. Some cards are called explode cards. Once you draw it, the next person’s card will explode. The card made them spent a lot of time on it. Once they made everyone’s clothes burnt. They began to talk about Voldemort. Harry wasn’t surprised to see what Hermione had done. She made a long list of plans to destroy Voldemort.
‘You still got a problem, Harry is still underage.’ said Fred after Hermione’s long speech.
‘We can use the time to find other people who might know Voldemort’s weakness.
Like Karkaroff. See if he knows about the Hor-’ Harry gave her a sharp look, Hermione stopped the sentence and said ‘and if Harry goes to his uncle’s house before his birthday. The protection that Dumbledore made will not disappear. He won’t be in danger.’ Hermione answered.
‘How about the transportation? Harry can’t Apparite, too.’ George asked. Didn’t seemed to have realized.
‘We have brooms, don’t we?’ Hermione answered. The ‘It’s an easy question’ look on her face made George embarrassed. So he stroke back immediately.
‘How about you? You can’t fly very well.’
‘Hermione only needs to practice, George.’ Ron debated.
‘But she doesn’t seem to have talent on flying’ said Fred.
Ron ignored him. ‘Practice makes perfect. And-’
‘Ron, Can I talk to you?’ Ginny cut in. Ron followed her upstairs.
‘So we needed to train her, don’t we?’ Fred was still arguing about the plans.
‘Maybe I really need training, but-’
‘Its dinner time, everyone!’ Mrs.Weasley shouted out. Harry was glad to stop listening to the argument, so he went out first. Than Ron and Ginny walked downstairs to the table just after him.

Delicious foods like chicken, pork and Mrs.Weasley’s special soup soon filled their stomach. People from the Ministry came in one after one, and congratulated Mr. and Mrs.Weasley for Bill and Fleur’s wedding. Mrs.Weasley looked like she was waiting for Percy, but she didn’t even see his letter. She looked so upset and sat down. Ginny tried to comfort her.
Ron looked at Fred and George. They were introducing their new products to some workers in the Ministry. They quite liked their protection cloaks. Ron thought it is save now, and started talking about the plans with Harry and Hermione.
‘What did Ginny told you, Ron.’ Harry asked, though he knew what they talked about.
‘Oh! It was just about not to get into her business.’ said Ron. ‘And how can we find Karkaroff, Hermione?’
‘You’ll know the plan after we go to Harry’s uncle’s house.’ said Hermione. ‘The problem is how we can-’
‘Visitors, Harry!’ Mrs.Weasley shouted out. He wondered if it is Scrimgeour. Haven’t he already given up? He walked to the door, Ron and Hermione followed him through the crowds. He found out that Scrimgeour and Percy talking to Mr. and Mrs.Weasley. He rushed away and relieved. He saw and old woman and-
‘Neville?’ said Ron, looking that he couldn’t believe what he saw.
‘Hi Harry! Hogwarts is closed. I’ve got nothing to do. My grandmother wants me to join you.’ said Neville. ‘I’ve been trained by Lupin in the last few days. He said that I will be fine.’
Harry was shocked by this. ‘But it is-’
‘Dangerous? My grandson will not afraid of that. He will be proud of sacrifice because of Voldemort. He isn’t afraid of that!’ said Neville’s grandmother proudly.
‘What about joining the Order?’ suggested Ron.
‘The Order is a nonsense without Dumbledore!’ Neville’s grandmother didn’t like his suggestion.
‘All right, Neville can help us to collect information with Lupin.’ Hermione tried to refuse him. She saw Neville’s grandmother’s mouth open angrily. So she quickly added. ‘He can still join us on some missions too, and he stills need more experiences.’
Neville’s grandmother finally agreed, and left Neville alone with them. Harry tried to make him feel better. However, he still looked unhappy. Therefore, they promised to take him on missions after more training. He finally smiled.

Night soon came to the Burrow. Harry decided to start the trip now. Everyone came out and said good-bye to them. They looked both worriedly and hopefully at them. Fred and George gave Harry a lot of their products and potions, and told him that he must send news to them. Harry nodded. Lupin helped them to Disillusion themselves. That made everyone can’t see them, but they still stood there and looked at their brooms.
‘Be careful Harry! Take care, Ron!’ Mrs.Weasley said to them. Mrs.Weasley, Lupin, Tonks, Fred, George and Ginny Smiled at them.
‘Good-bye everyone!’ said Harry and Harry, Ron and Hermione mounted and the broom, and set off in everyone’s hope. All the people got smaller and smaller in their eyes. Harry turned back to the sky, recognized the direction, accelerating up into the air.


這是一部由一名國中少年陳思遠所寫的書。我是一個標準的哈利‧波特迷。去年夏天,我的英語老師鼓勵他參加' NANOWRIMO ' 的活動,開始寫自己的哈利‧波特故事,但是在中途因為成績太差而被迫停止寫作。現在我想要繼續完成它,並將它譯成中文放在這部落格上。我會在把它們翻譯完後再貼上去,並且持續寫作。衷心希望你喜歡我的作品。

About the book(and the writer)

This is a book which was written by a junior-high school student-Allen Chen. He is a great fan of Harry Potter. In the last summer, his English teacher wanted him to join the 'NANOWRIMO' subject. He started to write his own Harry Potter story, but was forced to stop his writing because his got bad grades in his test. Now he wants to continue his writings, he has his writings in the past translated into Chinese, and put some of them on this blog. He will put the rest of them on after they are all translated, and will continue all his writing. Wish you will like here.
your sincerely
Allen Chen